
Time for a Closet Cleanse?

By January 16, 2017May 10th, 2020No Comments

Before you buy anything new for 2017 you might want to consider a closet cleanse. I mean it’s a lot less miserable than a juice cleanse. 
*You have to be ready to say goodbye to your clothes 
Is the thought of where to start daunting? It’s not as bad as you think.Or hire someone to help you.
1. You will have more space in your closet because the only things that should be left/kept are things you actually wear

2. You will be able to see everything …making getting dressed everyday much easier – purchase skinny felt hangers, which you will have everything hanging at the same level. You won’t miss anything

3. You should only have things you love to wear in your closet so getting dressed should be more fun too!!

4. Break it up into seasons so it isn’t so overwhelming. (Keep spring/summer/ fall/winter together
Moving into the closet cleanse process …
1- Did you wear the piece last year? (Current season aka winter)if not throw out

2-Do you love to wear it?

3-FIT- if it doesn’t fit and alterations won’t help , toss it

4- Nothing to put with it? Do you love it enough to want to invest in pieces to go with it? If no, then toss

5-Has your style evolved in the past year? Or are you looking for a change?
*Everyone’s style evolves. because of  lifestyle changes, age etc. For some more often than others. Don’t continue to wear pieces you have “outgrown” mentally

*If you need a second opinion beyond your own, hire an expert. (moi) te he

*Always keep a small section of seasonless clothing since weather is so so unpredictable especially in Atlanta when we are moving from fur to flip flops. That way you aren’t running round your house like a mad person to find clothing for the current weather. 

For more on this check out our upcoming Closet Cleanse segment on Fox5 !!