Watch our latest segment tomorrow on the best ways to get your kids organized to get out of the house on time- on #Fox5Atlanta #GoodDayAtlanta with host, #AlyseEady.
And just in case you miss it, here are our top tips to get your monsters out of the house on time?
Here are some of my fave tips for keeping busy families more organized and less stressed.
***Just like I would tell my adult clients to keep their closets consistently edited, doing the same for the kids will keep only what they are wearing and what they need in the closet. they HAVE to see what they have or it will one a nightmare for everyone.
***There should only be clothes for current season.
***Using the same hangers keeps everything hanging at the same height , again making it easier to see their choices,
*** Use clear boxes/drawers so they can see what they are choosing from and label the drawers! this especially helps the little ones.
*** Outfits-pick out the night before
***Showers the night before!
Because ain’t nobody got time for that in the morning.
***No devices/tv in am-you’ll never get them out of the house
***I love the door mounted solutions as another space saving way to keep important things close by.
*** Use clear boxes/drawers so they can see what they are choosing from and label the drawers! this especially helps the little ones.
***We all have those “I don’t know where that ugly shirt came from but we argue about it all the time….” whatever those things are they have to go” – the best way to stop the argument is to just get rid of it! (while they are gone)
Over The Door Shoe & Accessory Organizer-HUGE SPACE SAVER!!!!!
All products were purchased by me at #TheContainerStore!