
Client Love

By June 11, 2010No Comments

“I have used the services of Plaid Monkey both corporately and personally for over several years. On the corporate side, Robanne has assisted me with a wide variety of items including wardrobe, corporate gifts, and event planning.
At holidays as well as for birthdays and other special occasions, “The Monkey” will provide gift ideas. Then she will acquire the gift; wrap it in a very professional and creative way; and ship it. I get great credit from clients for the wonderful item they received from me and I, of course, never left my desk.
Similarly, Robanne will pick out both business attire and casual wear for me and bring it to my office. At my leisure, I select what I like. She then returns everything else back to whatever store from which it came. I do not go to the store, talk with sales people, or wait in line. Not only do I save time, but I benefit from her great sense of style.
Additionally, Robanne has assisted me with event planning. This includes trips for clients, dinners, “party favors”, wine selection, and the like. She will also make all the arrangements for and follow up with service providers such as photographers to ensure the event is properly captured.
On the personal side, I use Plaid Monkey to handle most of my gift items for my entire family regarding Christmas and birthdays. This also, of course, includes anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, and other special occasions. One of Robanne’s specialties, which I have used on numerous occasions, is her special gift basket for a newborn or baby shower. This has been a real winner with friends.
Not only does the services of Plaid Monkey ensures that I provide appropriate gifts on a corporate level, they also keep me out of trouble on a personal level. Additionally, of course, I save a tremendous amount of time and avoid a great deal of stress.”
C. Hendon, Managing Member, Commercial Real Estate